Yearbook Senior Baby Ad What Is It Called When Pictures Are Used as Information

Abbreviation! Acronyms! Following is a full list of important abbreviations and acronyms in English you should learn to aggrandize your vocabulary.

Abbreviations vs Acronyms

Abbreviation and Acronym are similar to each other as they both are short forms of longer words; nonetheless, they are two different parts of the English language.

An abbreviation is a shortened version of one or ii words which are still pronounced the same way, fifty-fifty if they are written as an abbreviation.

An acronym, on the other hand, is a shortened version of the phrase that is nigh ofttimes the name of something. They are pronounced as their brusk forms rather than their actual full grade.

NATO is pronounced NAY-TOE and non as Due north Atlantic Treaty Organization. Acronyms are also pronounced by the private alphabet like with U.Northward, FBI, etc.

Abridgement Listing

Latin Abridgement

Abbreviations    Full       Form     Meaning                                         Utilize
A.D Anno Domini In the year of our Lord Used to prove years afterwards the nativity of Jesus Christ -1600 A.D
a.m Ante Superlative Before midday Used for the hours after midnight and before apex – xa.k, 2a.m
c. / ca. Circa Approximately Used for years/months when not certain of exact date – ca. 1500
C.Five Curriculum Vitae Class of Life A document summarizing a person's educational activity and experience.
due thousand. Exempli gratia For example To requite an instance or instance of something – dissimilar cities, e.1000. New York, Delhi, Beijing etc.
Et al. Et Alii And others Used to testify that there are more names that are unmentioned on a list – Tom, Jane, Jack et al.
Etc. Et cetera And other things Used to signify similar things that are unmentioned on a listing – milk, cheese, yogurt etc.
i.eastward. Id est In other words / That is Used in sentences to rephrase or prove a connexion between clauses – Jack, i.e. the near popular senior, likes Beth.
p.a Per Annum Through the year Used to show something in the way of 'yearly' – He earns 2 million dollars p.a.
p.1000 Mail service summit After midday Used to show the hours subsequently midday and before midnight – 10p.m, 2p.m
P.S Mail Scriptum Something written afterwards the main text was finished. Used mainly in letters to add something extra later on the signoff – Yours Shirley,

P.South – I'll be in Canada for 2 weeks.

R.I.P Requiescat in pace May he/she residue in peace Used equally a prayer for someone who has died – May Janet R.I.P.
Stat Statim Immediately Used virtually ofttimes in the medical fields – This homo needs a bypass stat.

Abbreviations Related to Names

Abbreviation      Meaning                           Employ
Dr. Physician Dr. Smith was also invited.
Gen. General (army) Gen. Luke ordered them to fire at the enemy.
Hon. Honorable Hon. James Smith gave away the prizes.
Mr. Mister Mr. Hall is in office at the moment.
Mrs. Mistress Mrs. Hall is waiting for her car.
Ms. Miss Ms. Jane Watson is here to see y'all.
Prof. Professor Prof. Jain is a popular kinesthesia in college.
Rev. Reverend (chaplain) Rev. Jones blessed the firm today.
Sr. / Jr. Senior / Inferior Bates Sr. and Harry Bates Jr. were inspecting the grounds.
St. Saint St. Patrick is one of the nigh pop Irish saints.

Full general Abbreviations

Abbreviations Meaning Use
Assn. Clan They named their club; Assn. of Low and Highs.
Ave. Artery They said they would exist waiting at Lexington Ave.
Dept. Department The Arts Dept. is holding a broil sale.
Est. Established Annabel'due south est. 1963 in London, England.
Fig. Figure Await to fig. 8 to see how the process takes identify.
Hrs. Hours We will reach the next army camp at 1500hrs.
Inc. Incorporated Apple tree Inc. was founded in the 1970s past Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak.
Mt. Mount Mt. Everest is the tallest mountain on world.
No. Number The address is Business firm no. 64, Mulberry Lane.
Oz. Ounces The recipe needs 34 oz. of beloved.
Sq. Square The rent is 100 dollar per sq. inch.
St. Street The shop is located at Xyza St. near the intersection.
Vs Versus The final match is going to be Commonwealth of australia vs. India.

Abbreviations of Grammar

Abbreviation Meaning
Abbr. Abbreviation / Abbreviated
Adj. Describing word
Adv. Adverb
Obj. Objective
Pl. Plural
Poss. Possessive
Prep. Preposition
Pron. Pronoun
Pseud. Pseudonym
Sing. Atypical
Syn. Synonym
Trans. Translation
V. / Vb. Verb

Acronym List

Full general Acronyms

Acronym Full Class What Information technology Is
ATM Automated Teller Machine A computerised cash dispenser
BPO Business Process Outsourcing The outsourcing of specific functions of a business to a 3rd political party.
CAT Mutual Access Examination An ability based admission test conducted by the Indian Institute of Management.
DNA Dna The molecule in any living beingness that contains all the genetic data of the living being.
DVD Digital Versatile Disk A compact optical storage disk, used for storing videos and other data.
FAQ Frequently Asked Questions A mutual section in most sites containing common queries from the visitors.
HR Human Resources The workforce of any arrangement can also refer to the department that is in accuse of human resources.
LCD Liquid Crystal Display A type of video display console
LED Light Emitting Diode A glowing light source used in indicators.
PC Personal Reckoner A reckoner whose size, price and capabilities are useful for private use.
RAM Random Access Memory A way/disk to store data on a calculator
SONAR Sound Navigation And Ranging A technique that uses echoes to navigate or communicate usually used in submarines.
USP Unique Selling Proposition A term used to show how ane product or service is dissimilar and unique from another.
VIP Very Of import Person A person who gets special privileges due to their status or importance.
WWW World wide web Interlinked web documents accessed by the internet

Acronyms of Proper name

Acronym Full Form What Information technology Is
AIDS Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome A affliction of the immune system caused by the HIV.
Association of southeast asian nations Association of Southeast Asian Nations A political and economic system based on geographical location.
CERN Conseil Européen pour la Recherche Nucléaire – European System for Nuclear Inquiry An international organisation that operates the largest particle physics laboratory
FIFA Federation Internationale de Football Clan Organisation in charge of international association football game.
InterPol International Criminal Polwater ice Organisation. An international organization helping police cooperation across countries.
NASA National Aeronautics and Infinite Administration An American government agency handling infinite research.
NASCAR National Clan for Stock Car Car Racing. A family owned business sanctioning motorcar-racing events.
SARS Astringent Acute Respiratory Syndrome A respiratory disease in humans which is fatal.
United nations United Nations An international organisation for inter-country cooperation.
UNICEF Un Children's Education Fund A UN program that provides humanitarian help to children.
YMCA Young Men'south Christian Association A worldwide association that helps to put Christian principles into action.
HIV Human being Immunodeficiency Virus The virus that causes AIDS.

Acronyms of Didactics

Acronym Total Class
B.A Available of Arts
B.Sc Bachelor of Science
M.A Master of Arts
One thousand.B.A Primary of Business Administration
MBBS Medicinae Baccalaureus, Baccalaureus Chirurgiae – Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery
MD Medicinae Doctor – Medico of Medicine
PhD Philosophiae Doctor – Doctorate of Philosophy

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